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Why Rural India has a better Quality of Life than cities?

The Quality of Life means the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group. While it is difficult to Quantify the same in terms of numbers, Our experience of Rural stay suggests that opposed to the general perception, the quality of life is much better in villages than in cities. Some of the reasons are listed below:

  1. Sustainablity: The Life in Rural India is more sustainable, The Carbon foot print of villages In India is one of the least in the world. With self sustainable and simple life style, Villagers in India are setting an example the ways to coexist with nature.

  2. Cleaner air: The air is much cleaner in villages than in cities, with less traffic and more greenery, the air is very much breathable.

  3. Cost of Living: The cost of food in villages is still unbelievably cheaper. With a self-sustaining culture. Most needs are produced by the house hold themselves.

  4. Ease of doing business: While the cities suffer from red Tapism culture. The panchayat format of government makes it easy for rural population to start their own business easily.

  5. Good Roads: Government in past few years has focused on the rural roads more than urban thus giving rural areas good access with better roads. Which has led to increase in earnings of rural population.

While the rural India still suffers from other basic amenities like availability of good education and healthcare. They are leading in terms of sustainable a lifestyle and culture.

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